Grade 9-12 Course Information

Click the links to view the course outlines for Grades 9-12

Business Studies 

Grade 9

Grade 10

BTT2O - Information and Communication Technology in Business

Grade 11

BAF3M - Accounting

BMI3C - Marketing

BTA3O - Information and Communication Technology: The Digital Environment 

BDI3C - Entrepreneurship: The Venture 

Grade 12

BBB4M - International Business Fundamentals

BOH4M - Business Management Leadership

Contemporary Studies

Grade 9

CGC1D - Issues in Canadian Geography

CGC1P - Issues in Canadian Geography

Grade 10

CHC2D - Canadian History Since World War 1

CHC2P - Canadian History Since World War 1

CHV2O - Civics (0.5 credit)

Grade 11

CHA3U - American History

CHW3M - World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century

CLU3M - Understanding Canadian Law

HSP3U / HSP3C- Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology

HPC3O - Raising Healthy Children

Grade 12

CGW4U - World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

CHY4U - World History since the Fifteenth Century

CIA4U - Economics

CLN4U - Canadian and International Law

HSB4U - Challenge and Change in Society

HHG4M - Human Development throughout the Lifespan

HIP4OR - Personal Life Management

Creative Arts

Grade 9

ADA1O - Drama

AVI1O - Visual Arts 

AMR1O - Band

AMU1O - Music Instrumental

ATC1O - Dance

AMG1O - Guitar

ADD1O - Drama: Production

AMV1O - Vocal Music

NAC1O - Expressing Aboriginal Cultures

Grade 10

ADA2O - Drama

ADD2O - Drama Production

AMU2O - Music - Instrumental

AMV2O - Vocal Music

AVI2O - Visual Arts

Grade 11

ADV3M - Film & Video

ADD3M - Drama Production

ATC3M- Dance

AVI3O - Visual Arts

AWQ3O - Visual Arts - Photography

ADB3O- Drama Music Theatre

ASM3M- Media Arts

AMV3M - Vocal Music

AMH3O - Band

AMG3M - Guitar

Grade 12

ADA4M - Drama

ADD4M - Drama - Production

AVI4M - Visual Arts

ASM4M - Media Arts

ADB4M - Drama Music Theatre

ATC4M - Dance

AMV4M - Vocal Music

AMH4M - Band

ADV4M - Film & Video


Grade 9

ENL1W - English

ENG1L - English

Grade 10

ENG2D - English

ENG2L - English

ENG2P - English

Grade 11

ENG3C - English

ENG3E - English

ENG3U - English

NBE3C - Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices

NBE3U - Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices

Grade 12

ENG4E - English

ENG4C - English

ENG4U - English

OLC4O- Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course

French & Modern Languages

Grade 9

FIF1D - French Immersion

FSF1D - Core French

FSF1P - Core French 

Grade 10

FIF2D - French Immersion

FSF2D - Core French

FSF2P - Core French

Grade 11

FIF3U - French Immersion

FSF3U - Core French

FSF3O - Core French

Grade 12

FIF4U - French Immersion

FSF4U - Core French 

FSF4O - Core French

Subjects Taught in French as part of the French Immersion Program 

Grade 9

CGC1DI – Géographie du Canada

HRE1OI - Religion (Sois avec moi) 

Grade 10

CHC2DI – Histoire du Canada depuis la Première Guerre Mondiale

CHV2OI - Éducation a la citoyenneté (0.5 credit)

HRE2OI - Religion (Christ et culture) 

Grade 11

HRT3MI - Etude des religions - croyances et traditions

Grade 12

HRE4MI - Religion (L'Eglise et la culture)


Grade 9

MAT1L- Mathematics, Locally Developed

MTH1W - Mathematics

Grade 10

MAT2L - Mathematics

MFM2P - Foundations of Mathematics

MPM2D - Principles of Mathematics 

Grade 11

MEL3E - Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life 

MBF3C - Foundations of College Mathematics

MCF3M - Functions and Applications

MCR3U - Functions

Grade 12

MAP4C - Foundations for College Mathematics

MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors

MDM4U – Mathematics of Data Management

MHF4U - Advanced Functions

MCT4C - Math for College Technology

MEL4E - Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life

Physical Education & Health

Grade 9

PAI1O -  Individual and Small Group Activities (Coed)

PPL1OF - Healthy Active Living Education - Female

PPL1OM - Healthy Active Living Education - Male

Grade 10

PPL2OM - Healthy Active Living Education (Male)

PAF2OM - Healthy Active Living Education - Fitness - Male

Grade 11

PAD3OC - Outdoor Education 

PAF3O F/M - Girls'/Boys' Fitness

PPL3O - Healthy Active Living

Grade 12

PAF4O(F/M) - Personal and Fitness Activities

PSK4U - Intro to Kinesiology

PPL4O - Healthy Active Living

Religious Studies

Grade 9

HRE1O - Religion (Be with Me)

Grade 10

HRE2O - Religion (Christ and Culture)

Grade 11

HRT3M - World Religions Belief Traditions: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges

HRF3O - World Religions and Belief Traditions in Daily Life 

Grade 12

HRE4M - Religion (Church and Culture - Ethics)

HRE4O - Religion (Creating a Christian Lifestyle)

HZT4U - Philosophy 


Grade 9

SNC1W - Science

SNC1L - Science

Grade 10

SNC2L - Science

SNC2D - Science

SNC2P - Science 

Grade 11

SBI3C - Biology

SBI3U - Biology

SCH3U - Chemistry

SPH3U - Physics 

SVN3M - Environmental                            Science

Grade 12

SBI4U - Biology

SCH4C - Chemistry

SCH4U - Chemistry

SPH4U - Physics 

SES4U - Earth and Space

Student Services

Grade 9

GLS1O - Learning Strategies

Grade 10

GLC2O - Career Studies

(0.5 credits)

Grade 11

GWL3O - Design Your Future

DCO3O - Creating Opportunities through Co-op (Double credit)

Grade 12

GLS4O - Advanced Learning Strategies

DCO3O - Creating Opportunities through Co-op (Double credit)

IDC4U2 - Management Sports & Event Planning (2 credits)


Grade 9

TIJ1O - Exploring Technologies

Grade 10

ICD2O - Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World

TFJ2O - Hospitality and Tourism

TTJ2O - Transportation Technology

TGJ2O - Communications Technology

TCJ2O - Construction

Grade 11

ICS3C/3U - Introduction to Computer Science

TEJ3M- Computer Engineering Technology

TFJ3E - Hospitality and Tourism 

TGV3M - TV, Video, Movie Production

TTJ3C - Transportation Technology

TWJ3E - Custom Woodworking

Grade 12

ICS4C/4U - Computer Programming

TCJ4C - Construction Engineering Technology

TGV4M - TV, Video, Movie Production

TFJ4E - Hospitality & Tourism

TTJ4C - Transportation Technology